So much for your immediate plans, Asura. If the Air Rune doesn’t think you’re strong enough Scion yet, the Water Rune definitely won’t.
Chapter 29 Update
Hey folks, I just wanted to pop in and give an update about the next chapter, as well as apologize for the longer than usual break. It’s been the holiday season, so it’s been a little more difficult to get the draft for Chapter 29 prepped and ready to go. Right now, I’m aiming to start up again in January, after New Years. So you’ve got a couple of holiday posts to look forward to and we’ll back to the regular comic. And should be a fun, Nanno-centric chapter.
Chapter 28 Update
Hey folks, quick update about the next chapter. It’s coming along well, and the plan is to start in back of July. Currently aiming for Sunday, the 23rd.
Now, what it will be about since most all of the characters are dead, who knows.
Chapter 27 Update
So it’s the new year, and yet no comic yet. My apologies for that, things just ended up taking longer than expected. I am still planning to get the next chapter going this month, although it’s looking more like it will be in the middle of January, rather than in the beginning.
Again, I apologize for the delay, and I hope it will be worth the wait.