Chapter 28 Update
on July 9, 2023

Hey folks, quick update about the next chapter. It’s coming along well, and the plan is to start in back of July. Currently aiming for Sunday, the 23rd.
Now, what it will be about since most all of the characters are dead, who knows.
We still didn’t saw their dead bodies. And even if we did, that may still be fixable.
Obviously this chapter will be about Asura’s death since she’s the last character who hasn’t been killed yet.
It’ll be like three pages. First page is a kettle crab tongue sneaking in the ship, second page is it grabbing Asura and yoinking her in its maw, third page is the “clack” of the jaw/door closing up and “The End”.
Then there’s an epilogue about how the Esurient starved out because of the kettle crabs, so in a way, good won anyway. Guess the corrupt church was right after all!