A Long Rune Hiatus
As you obviously know, chapter 11 just wrapped up last week, and this comic is celebrating it’s 5th year. Rune Hunters has been a wonderful and fulfilling project for me, and I’m thankful continued to read through it all of these years. I really am grateful. However, in addition to being creatively fulfilling, work on Rune Hunters has also been taxing. I know it might not seem like a lot, but having to keep up a weekly schedule for five years straight has kind of exhausted me as of late. In addition, I have some other projects I’ve wanted to get to for quite some time, but always had a weekly webcomic to contend with.
So it is with this post that I am announcing Rune Hunters will be going on a hiatus for about 6-8 months. I need time to rejuvenate and attend to some other goals of mine. I hope all of you are not too disappointed by this news, and I will try post some Rune Hunters related pictures and maybe side comics in the meantime. I also will make sure to keep this space updated with any additional news about the comic, and maybe about my other projects when there is more to share.
Once again, you guys and gals have all been wonderful, and I thank you all for reading. I hope you all return when the comic is ready to continue onward. There is still so many adventures awaiting Asura, Ada, Nanno and the rest of the gang. Thank you all. And keep in mind, this isn’t the end, Rune Hunters will be back.
Also, like Rune Hunters on Facebook if you want even more up to date news about the comic.
Finally, I figured I could include some appropriate music to end with:
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